Sunday, 18 December 2011

Recovering data from broken usb dongle.doc

The pen drive is the standard usb interface with added to it a small memory chip. All usb pen drives are made by the same principle that the communication is based on usb signals.

When we brake the usb dongle usually the crack occurs when the metal plug is connected to the PCB inside the device. The inside structure of this device is similar and varies just the how manufacturer implements the wiering or in other words the tracks on the PCB.

In every drive we will find the two tracks that are in the middle of the plug. They are data + and data – tracks. The other two are power as +5 V and the ground.

To repair the broken we just need to connct again the broken tracks together and copy the data as soon as possible. The drive after we do this would not be usable just because the wires can broke again best is just to bin it.

Here is the image that show the internal structure of the pen drive.

We need to connect together wery small four wires that are on the so called PCB (printed cirquit board). Ia am doing it with very small soldering iron. And this is not so easy to do so if you do it first better is to practice this on something else.

You will need also a flux and tip dip to clean the soldering iron tip. Also the solder is necessary.

To better understand what to connect here is more images showing the connections.

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